Category Archives: Desserts

Dark chocolate and blackberry muffins


I don’t know about you, but for me the idea of being a mum has always been synonymous with images of angelic flour-splattered children standing on chairs in the kitchen next to an apron-clad serene-looking woman, joyfully stirring cake mixture before licking the spoon. Well, Finn is too young to help out at the moment and I am anything but serene, but I’ve been working on getting my bake-on. For me, mum’s bake. And to date, I’ve been a miserable failure on that front. So, time to rectify…

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Filed under Baking, Desserts, Recipes

Pancake {insert day here}: Lemon ricotta pancakes with lemon curd

If I was an organised type of a person I might have posted this recipe prior to last Tuesday so you could actually enjoy it on that long-looked-for annual event, Pancake Tuesday. Well, if I was an organised type of a person I might have even made this on Pancake day itself. But if you haven’t realised by now, I am definitely not an organised type of a person even at the best of times. It turns out that at 8 and 1/2 months pregnant I am a dishevelled and discombobulated mess. As such I didn’t get myself together to make these beauties on Tuesday last (I think I was probably napping at the time), so we ended up having a Pancake Wednesday instead. But, you know what? Pancakes are damn good on any day, so I give you leave to make these on any which day you like. The ricotta along with a hint of lemon zest adds a delicious twist to the American style batter, whilst the smatter of raspberries and very British lemon curd make for the perfect combination.

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Filed under Desserts, Eggs, Lemon, Preserves, Recipes

Buttermilk vanilla cupcakes with caramel icing (or why I am not a baker!)

As you may have noticed by now I don’t bake very often. In fact, the last time I blogged about baking I pointed this very fact out. Although an enthusiastic cook, and a merry eater of all culinary genres, I just don’t ever feel the call to bake. However, that all changed when I saw Shauna’s (of Piece of Cake) blog on caramel cupcakes. These little beauties simply called to me. I resolved that the next time I had a reason (read: excuse) to cook some cupcakes I would whip up a batch of these. That reason came this weekend.

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Filed under Baking, Desserts, Eggs, Recipes, Vanilla

Pancakes with macerated strawberries for Shrove Tuesday

In a moment of uncharacterly organisation I had the presence of mind to prepare a wonderful pancake recipe for you prior to pancake day, so you can actually use it today.

Well, ok, actually I thought it was pancake day last week and came home full of the joys of our annual pancake extravaganza, only to be told by Sven that I’d got it completely wrong. Needless to say, I felt very stupid, but every cloud has a silver lining and this particular cloud has two. 1) You all get a lovely pancake suggestion in time for actual Shrove Tuesday and 2) we get to eat pancakes twice this year. So who’s stupid now?

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Filed under Almonds, Desserts, Eggs, Recipes, Strawberries