Monthly Archives: October 2012

Non-stodge comfort food: Baked savoy cabbage stuffed with ricotta

Every year as the days get shorter and colder, I always find myself craving hearty comforting food. Unfortunately that usually means heavy, carb-loaded, fatty food. Sure, it makes evolutionary sense to bulk for the winter, but considering the temperature in my flat is practically equatorial I think my biological urges can and should be repressed. So, I’ve been pondering ways to trick my body into thinking that it’s getting stodge, and this is one of my current favourites.

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Filed under Italy, Main courses, Recipes, Weekday dinners

The Label Project (or how I won a trip to Australia)

Not too long ago I received a mysterious email from a wine brand calling themselves “The Label Project”. The subject line offered a challenge, Do you judge a book by its cover? Intrigued by the invitation to explore how we judge wine, and further compelled by the very distinct possibility of FREE WINE*, I joined up and awaited the promised deliveries. When the first delivery arrived, I could clearly see the envelope contained no wine, not even a sample sized bottle. I was perturbed. However, upon opening it I found a copy of The Hunger Games and a further demand to know whether I judge books by their covers. Having read, nay, devoured and unapologetically adored the Hunger Games trilogy, I didn’t quite know whether to feel proud that ‘no, I did not judge this book by its admittedly pretty shit cover’, or slightly embarrassed that I should have judged better. What were they trying to say? Luckily, a second delivery followed hot upon the heels of this mind-boggler. And this one did have wine, yay!

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Filed under Food events, Fun, General